A Study to Assess Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Practices Regarding Good Touch and Bad Touch Among Age 7 To 9 Years Students of Selected School of Karad Taluka


  • Ms. Sakshi Makar Students, 3rd Year Basic BSC Nursing students, Hirai Institute of Nursing Education Malwadi, Masur, Karad
  • Ms. Priyanka Jagtap Students, 3rd Year Basic BSC Nursing students, Hirai Institute of Nursing Education Malwadi, Masur, Karad
  • Ms. Vaibhavi Mallakmir Students, 3rd Year Basic BSC Nursing students, Hirai Institute of Nursing Education Malwadi, Masur, Karad
  • Ms. Vaibhavi Mahamuni Students, 3rd Year Basic BSC Nursing students, Hirai Institute of Nursing Education Malwadi, Masur, Karad
  • Ms. Mayuri Galande Students, 3rd Year Basic BSC Nursing students, Hirai Institute of Nursing Education Malwadi, Masur, Karad
  • Ms. Mansi Nalawade Students, 3rd Year Basic BSC Nursing students, Hirai Institute of Nursing Education Malwadi, Masur, Karad
  • Ms. Harshada Shewale Students, 3rd Year Basic BSC Nursing students, Hirai Institute of Nursing Education Malwadi, Masur, Karad
  • Ms. Diksha Bhalerao Students, 3rd Year Basic BSC Nursing students, Hirai Institute of Nursing Education Malwadi, Masur, Karad
  • Ms. Tanaya Bhalerao Students, 3rd Year Basic BSC Nursing students, Hirai Institute of Nursing Education Malwadi, Masur, Karad
  • Prof. Mrs. Asma Mujawar Principal, Hirai Institute of Nursing Education Malwadi, Masur, Karad




Knowledge, Practices, Effectiveness, Good touch, Bad touch, child abuse


Background of study: It is important for us to realize that we are in complete control of our bodies and can choose what makes us comfortable or uncomfortable. It gives one a sense of security and well-being. Objective of study: 1) To assess the level of knowledge and practices regarding good touch and bad touch before interventions 2) To assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching program on knowledge regarding good touch and bad touch post intervention among age [7 to 9 years] student 3) To find out association between levels of post interventions knowledge score regarding good touch and bad touch among 7 to 9 years student. Research methodology: In the present study qualitative approach was used, pre-experimental research one group pre and post-test design was used. Non probability purposive sampling technique was used. Study setting in Karad, Taluka and enrolled 7 to 9 year of age group of students of selected school in the present study.  Result: Nine out of thirty preschooler had average knowledge about good and bad touch. While zero preschooler had poor knowledge about either of the 21 preschoolers. A 70% had good knowledge about good and bad touch. 21 (70%) preschoolers are well-informed about good touch and bad touch. Nine out of thirty preschooler have a mediocre understanding of what constitutes good and bad touch. Preschooler understanding of good touch and bad touch is zero.


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How to Cite

Makar, S., Jagtap, P., Mallakmir, V., Mahamuni, V., Galande, M., Nalawade, M., Shewale, H., Bhalerao, D., Bhalerao, T., & Mujawar, A. (2025). A Study to Assess Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Practices Regarding Good Touch and Bad Touch Among Age 7 To 9 Years Students of Selected School of Karad Taluka. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 10(1), 139–146. https://doi.org/10.31305/rrijm.2025.v10.n1.018