Era Globalization: Concerns, Doubts and Lighting Roads

युगीन भूमण्डलीकरण: चिंताएँ, संशय एवं ज्योतित करती राहें


  • Dr. Manoj Kumar Pandya Associate Professor, Shri Govind Guru Govt. College, Banswara (Raj)



Language, science and technology, computer era


The biggest criterion of a language is to maintain itself in the use and utility of common people for a long time. Hindi has tested and refined itself in the development of science and technology. That is why today Hindi has proved its usefulness. Words and expressions have also been included in its repository. This is the reason that Hindi has not only become a part of the life of the common man today, but is also advancing itself in the world of growing science and computer era.

Abstract in Hindi Language:

भाषा की सबसे बड़ी कसौटी अपने आप को लम्बे समय तक आम लोगों के प्रयोग में आने और उपयोगिता बनाए रखने की होती है |जिस भी भाषा ने अपने आप को समय के साथ अपना परिष्कार किया है वह भाषा दीर्घजीवी बनी है| हिंदी ने विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी के विकास में अपने आप को परखा है और साधा है| इसी कारण आज हिंदी ने अपनी प्रयोजनीयता सिद्ध की है|हिंदी ने अपने कलेवर में न केवल स्थानीय बोलियों को अपने आप में समेटा है अपितु देश विदेश की अनेकानेक भाषाओँ की शब्द सम्पदा और अभिव्यक्तियों को भी अपने भंडार में शामिल किया है | यही कारण है कि हिंदी न केवल आज आम व्यक्ति के जीवन का अंग बनी है अपितु बढती विज्ञान और कंप्यूटर की दुनिया में भी अपने आपको नित प्रति आगे बढ़ा रही

Keywords: भाषा, विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी, कंप्यूटर युग

Author Biography

Dr. Manoj Kumar Pandya, Associate Professor, Shri Govind Guru Govt. College, Banswara (Raj)

Dr. Manoj Kumar Pandya is an Associate Professor in the Hindi Department in Shri Govind Guru Government College, Banswara (Rajasthan). At present, Dr. Pandya is on deputation to the state-funded Govind Guru Tribal University of Southern Rajasthan and is working as a Controller of Examination. He has obtained his Master's degree from Government College and Ph.D. degree from Mohanlal Sukhadia Univesity Udaipur. Dr. Pandya is serving in-state College Education for the last 24 years after being selected by Rajasthan State Public Service Commission in 1998. Seven Ph.D. Scholars under your guidance have received Ph.D. degree and present Nine Research Scholars are pursuing their Ph.D. research. So far you have created Seven books, more than Thirty research articles, participated in more than fifty national and international seminars. He is the Chief Editor of An Annual Peer Reviewed Research Journal “MAHI-SRIJAN” He has also been an Associate at Indian Institute of Advanced Study Shimla from 2010 to 2013. His interests and special skills are Drama, Theatre, Media and Criticism. is being offered.


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शर्मा, सुभाष : नया ज्ञानोदय (दिल्ली), नवम्बर 2010, पृ. 97

‘‘भाषाओं का जीवन और मरण’

तिवारी, अजय : नया ज्ञानोदय (दिल्ली), फरवरी 2011

‘‘भूमण्डलीकरण और हिन्दी’’, पृ. 08

वही, पृष्ठ 11

शर्मा, ब्रह्मस्वरूप : ‘भाषा’ जुलाई अगस्त 2006़ पृ. 15

‘सूचना तकनीकी की सापेक्षता मंे हिन्दी भाषा पर पुनर्विचार

वही, पृ. 16




How to Cite

Pandya, M. K. . (2022). Era Globalization: Concerns, Doubts and Lighting Roads : युगीन भूमण्डलीकरण: चिंताएँ, संशय एवं ज्योतित करती राहें. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 7(10), 94–98.