The Urgency of Implementing a Blockchain-Based E-Voting System in Organizing General Elections in Indonesia


  • Suci Rizki Ananda Magister of Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, Social, and Political Sciences, University of Mataram
  • Prof. Dr. H. Gatot Dwi Hendro Wibowo, SH., M.Hum Magister of Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, Social, and Political Sciences, University of Mataram
  • Dr. Ida Surya, SH., MH. Magister of Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, Social, and Political Sciences, University of Mataram



Electronic Voting, Blockchain, General Election


This research aims to analyze the urgency of implementing a blockchain-based e-voting system for general elections in Indonesia. This research is Normative Legal research using the Statute Approach, Conceptual Approach, and Comparative Approach. The results show that the development of technology and information encourages the need for innovations to organize general elections through electronic voting systems (e-voting) while maintaining the principles of democratic elections. The needs and readiness of Indonesia for technological development are considered when applying the e-voting system to implement elections in Indonesia. Moreover, it is necessary to compare the voting system with conventional elections, including the legal aspects (regulations), the stages of voting implementation, and the effectiveness and efficiency of implementation.

Author Biographies

Suci Rizki Ananda, Magister of Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, Social, and Political Sciences, University of Mataram

Suci Rizki Ananda was born in Alas on September 26, 1998. She is an Ailurophile. In 2017, she completed her high school education at SMA Negeri 1 Alas in Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. During her high school years, she was active in several school organizations and actively participated in Indonesian Debate Competitions from school to district level. In addition, she was also ranked first in her class, had won the second general champion at the school level and was ranked first in the National Examination score for social studies majors at the school level. In 2021, she graduated with a law degree from the Faculty of Law at the University of Mataram with a concentration in Constitutional Law. Currently, she is pursuing a Master of Law degree at the University of Mataram. The author can be contacted via email:

Prof. Dr. H. Gatot Dwi Hendro Wibowo, SH., M.Hum, Magister of Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, Social, and Political Sciences, University of Mataram

Gatot Dwi Hendro Wibowo obtained his Bachelor of Laws degree from the Faculty of Law, Mataram University in 1986. He obtained his Master of Law degree from Padjajaran University in 1995. His doctoral program was obtained from Airlangga University in 2007. He actively teaches undergraduate to doctoral students at the Faculty of Law, University of Mataram, among others for Legal Drafting, Legal Reasoning, Ethics and Professional Responsibility, Legal Theories, and others. Currently, he is the head of the doctoral program at the University of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara. The author can be contacted via email:

Dr. Ida Surya, SH., MH., Magister of Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, Social, and Political Sciences, University of Mataram

Ida Surya, obtained her Bachelor of Laws degree from Mataram University in 1993, followed by a Master of Laws degree from Mataram University in 2006. She then completed her Doctorate at the Institute of Domestic Government in 2017. She is currently a permanent lecturer and actively teaches undergraduate to doctoral students at the University of Mataram. Her teaching portfolio includes courses such as Procedural Law of the Constitutional Court, Capita Selecta of Constitutional Law, Procedural Law of the State Administrative Court, Constitutional Law (HTN), Local Government Law, Basics of Political Science, PTUN Judicial Practice, Civil Service Law, State Science, State Education and others. On the sidelines of her busy teaching, she is also actively guiding undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral students. The author can be contacted via email:


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How to Cite

Ananda, S. R., Wibowo, H. G. D. H., & Surya, I. (2024). The Urgency of Implementing a Blockchain-Based E-Voting System in Organizing General Elections in Indonesia. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 9(4), 147–155.