Holistic Development through Implementation of NEP-2020


  • K. Srikala Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Education & HRD, Dravidian University, Srinivasavanam, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh https://orcid.org/0009-0003-8561-9899
  • Prof. D. Srinivas Kumar Dean of Academic Affairs, Dravidian University, Srinivasavavanam, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh




Holistic development, Character building, NEP2020


This article delves into the alignment between Swami Vivekananda's emphasis on character building and the objectives outlined in the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) in India. Swami Vivekananda, a prominent philosopher and spiritual leader, advocated for holistic development through the cultivation of a strong and virtuous character. Drawing parallels with Vivekananda's philosophy, NEP 2020 recognizes the significance of holistic education, aiming to foster cognitive, social, emotional, and ethical dimensions in learners. This abstract provides a brief comparative analysis of the two perspectives, showcasing their shared commitment to nurturing individuals with a comprehensive skill set and a foundation of moral values for meaningful contributions to society.

Author Biographies

K. Srikala, Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Education & HRD, Dravidian University, Srinivasavanam, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh

Smt. K. Srikala, M.A English., M.Sc Psychology., M.Ed., PGDGC, PGDET, (Ph.D. Education) Education: Smt .K. Srikala completed B.Sc.,(Microbiology) from Sri Krishnadevaraya University , Anantapuram, Andhra Pradesh,  trained in Bachelor of Education from IASE Kurnool , A.P. She received her Masters in English from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, A.P. She Completed her M.Ed. (distance mode) at Andhra Mahila Saba, Osmania University Campus from BRAOU, Hyderabad.  She did her M.Sc Psychology from BRAOU, Hyderabad. She was certified in PGDGC from Sri Venkateshwara university Tirupati, A.P.  She completed her PGDET from IGNOU New Delhi. She got qualified in APSLET 2017 in Education. At present she is perusing her Ph.D., in Education from Dravidian University, Kuppam A.P. Profession: Smt.K. Srikala got appointed as School Assistant, English in DSC 2008 and presently working as SA English at ZPHS, Midthur mandal, Nandyala District, A.P. She has 16 years of teaching experience, in which 4 years of experience at DIET, Kurnool, A.P.as a lecturer. Achievement: Smt. K. Srikala received District Best Teacher Award 2023 and stood first in the computer-based test conducted by CENTA

Prof. D. Srinivas Kumar, Dean of Academic Affairs, Dravidian University, Srinivasavavanam, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh

Prof. Dr. D. Srinivas Kumar, Ph.D., Education, Osmania University, Doctor of Letters Education, University of Madras, Dean of Academic affairs and Dean, School of Education & HRD, Dravidian University, Andhra Pradesh. Dr. D. Srinivas Kumar is presently working as Professor of Education from 11.09.2009 onwards. He possesses Doctor of Letters Education from University of Madras, Chennai; M.A.(Psychology)., M.Ed., M.Phil., and Ph.D., Education from Osmania University, Hyderabad, and is handling the course-work of B.Ed., and M.Ed., Programmes besides guiding Ph.D research scholars. 8 Ph.Ds have been awarded under his guidance..

Some of the Books written by Prof. D. Srinivas Kumar are:

  1. Need-o-meter: For Basic Human Needs Assessment. Common wealth Publishers, New Delhi, 1998.
  2. Sama Kaaleena Prapanchamlo Vidyarthulu, Megha Hills Publishers, Hyderabad, 2006.
  3. Elements of Critical Thinking, Dhaatri Publishers, Bengaluru, 2010
  4. Human Rights Education, Prasaraanga, Publications Bureau, Dravidian University, Kuppam, 2011.
  5. Introduction to Cognitive Styles and Learning Styles, Prasaraanga, Publications Bureau, Dravidian University, Kuppam, 2011.
  6. Elements of Action Research, Prasaraanga, Publications Bureau, Dravidian University, Kuppam, 2011.


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How to Cite

K., S., & D., S. K. (2024). Holistic Development through Implementation of NEP-2020. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 9(5), 50–55. https://doi.org/10.31305/rrijm.2024.v09.n05.007