Holistic Development through Implementation of NEP-2020
Holistic development, Character building, NEP2020Abstract
This article delves into the alignment between Swami Vivekananda's emphasis on character building and the objectives outlined in the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) in India. Swami Vivekananda, a prominent philosopher and spiritual leader, advocated for holistic development through the cultivation of a strong and virtuous character. Drawing parallels with Vivekananda's philosophy, NEP 2020 recognizes the significance of holistic education, aiming to foster cognitive, social, emotional, and ethical dimensions in learners. This abstract provides a brief comparative analysis of the two perspectives, showcasing their shared commitment to nurturing individuals with a comprehensive skill set and a foundation of moral values for meaningful contributions to society.
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Sarvapriyananda, S. (2014), "Vivekananda’s interpretation of Vedanta philosophy and values for sustained human development", International Journal of Development Issues, Vol. 13 No. 3, pp. 204-211. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJDI-06-2014-0045
Shaw, R. D. (2014). How Critical Is Critical Thinking? Music Educators Journal, 101(2), 65-70. https://doi.org/10.1177/0027432114544376
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