Depression among Students at Higher Secondary Education level




Adolescence, higher secondary, levels of depression, socio-demographic variables, cross-sectional survey


Adolescence is a crucial phase in a student's academic journey, particularly at the higher secondary education level. This research aimed to investigate the prevalence of depression among higher secondary students and explore the connection between their levels of depression and various socio-demographic factors such as gender, habitat, religion, class of study, and stream of study. A sample size of 516 students from class XI, and class XII were studied using cross-sectional survey design. The findings indicate that most students experienced mild levels of depression. Furthermore, there were statistically significant associations between the level of depression among higher secondary students and their socio-demographic variables, including gender, habitat, religion, class of study, and stream of study.

Author Biography

Sheikh Imran Pervez, PhD scholar, Dept. of Education, Jadavpur University, West Bengal

Sheikh Imran Pervez received his Master of Arts in Education from Jadavpur University, West Bengal, India. He obtained his M.Phil. Degree in Education from the same university. He was UGC-NET-JRF awardee in the subject Education. He is currently enrolled as a PhD research scholar in the Department of Education, Jadavpur University and pursuing his doctoral research in the field of Education.


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How to Cite

Pervez, S. I. (2024). Depression among Students at Higher Secondary Education level. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 9(5), 228–234.