Traditional Agricultural Production in Changing Land Use Pattern in the Himalayan State Uttarakhand
Traditional Agriculture, Changing Pattern, Land Use, Himalaya and UttarakhandAbstract
Uttarakhand is a Himalayan state with more than 70% population is depended on agriculture and allied activities. Increasing population has its significant role in the changing land use in the world at present. Changing land use pattern is affecting the livelihood practice everywhere. Uttarakhand is a small state with a difficult terrain. A small approximately 14% of plain area, where agriculture is in vast and in a commercial way. But almost 86% of total land in the Uttarakhand is only in sustenance and in primitive way. It has been found that changing land use pattern is directly impacting agriculture practice in the Uttarakhand. This study is aims to identify the status of land use change as well as the status of agriculture in this changing scenario of land use in the Uttarakhand.
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