Analysis of Erosion and Sedimentation Rates on the Service Life of Telaga Lebur Dam


  • Resmaji Probo Diwandono Master Program of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram, Indonesia
  • I Wayan Yasa Master Program of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram, Indonesia
  • Yusron Saadi Master Program of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram, Indonesia



Erosion Rate, Sedimentation, Telaga Lebur, Service Life


Dam is a civil construction structure in hydrology. The concept of a dam essentially provides a solution by serving as a water reserve, meaning that during the rainy season, water is collected in the dam reservoir, and during the dry season, the stored water can be used as needed. Dams are highly effective in addressing water scarcity issues, both for raw water supply and irrigation purposes. The purpose of building dams is to create a water supply system to supply water for village residents and for irrigation needs. Water availability in dry climate regions is generally limited. Climate change phenomena exacerbate water scarcity issues. As a precaution and mitigation measure against water scarcity, the Indonesian government is actively constructing dams across various provinces. Particularly in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), a dry climate province facing challenges in water supply for households and irrigation, dam construction is essential. The level of total erosion hazard rate in the Telaga Lebur Dam Catchment Area is 5463.94 Ton/Ha/Year. 67.78% of the area of the Telaga Lebur Dam Catchment Area (11.23 km²) experiences erosion at a rate of 3703.5 Ton/Ha/Year, classified as very light erosion. 11.58% of the area of the Telaga Lebur Dam Catchment Area (25.90 km²) experiences erosion at a rate of 632.7 Ton/Ha/Year, classified as light erosion. 9.20% of the area of the Telaga Lebur Dam Catchment Area (20.58 km²) experiences erosion at a rate of 502.7 Ton/Ha/Year, classified as moderate erosion. 3.66% of the area of the Telaga Lebur Dam Catchment Area (8.19 km²) experiences erosion at a rate of 200 Ton/Ha/Year, classified as heavy erosion. 7.78% of the area of the Telaga Lebur Dam Catchment Area (17.41 km²) experiences erosion at a rate of 425.1 Ton/Ha/Year, classified as very heavy erosion. The total sediment yield in Telaga Lebur Dam is 16.619 m³/year.  The reservoir's useful lifespan based on the analysis results is 11.44 years.


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How to Cite

Diwandono, R. P., Yasa, I. W., & Saadi, Y. (2024). Analysis of Erosion and Sedimentation Rates on the Service Life of Telaga Lebur Dam. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 9(6), 267–278.

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