The Criminal Law Policy for the Buyers of Pornographic Content
Policy, Buyer, Pornographic ContentAbstract
The prohibition of buying and selling pornographic content has been regulated in Article 4 paragraph (1) Act Number 44 of 2008 concerning Pornography, but in the case of Dea Onlyfans, the buyers of pornographic content are not given criminal sanctions, but only the sellers are given criminal sanctions. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the criminal law policy related to the buyers of pornographic content in the future. The research is normative research with a statutory, conceptual, and comparative approach, this research uses primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials, literature study is used as the technique of collecting legal materials and grammatical interpretation is used as the analysis of legal materials. The researchers found that criminal law policy towards the acts of pornographic content buyers can be done at the formulation stage, two options can be used. The first is to separate the phrase "selling" into two different phrases. The second is to add the meaning of the term "selling" in the explanation. This research concludes that the criminal law policy towards the acts of pornographic content buyers can be done at the formulation stage where two alternative options can be used.
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