Factors Causing Water Loss in the Distribution System at PT AIR Minum Giri Menang (Perseroda)
Factors causing water loss, Water balance, Distribution systemAbstract
The drinking water distribution system is an important component in providing drinking water, functioning to deliver treated drinking water from the source to household connections. As a drinking water management company, it is expected to distribute and meet the community's drinking water needs properly and evenly. Water loss hinders the provision of drinking water, which can cause physical and non-physical losses. This study aims to identify the factors causing water loss in the distribution system of PT Air Minum Giri Menang (Perseroda) and determine strategies to reduce water loss. The method used in this study involves evaluation and observation using water balance calculations based on the International Water Association (IWA). From the analysis, it is known that the level of water loss that occurred in the distribution system at PT Air Minum Giri Menang (Perseroda) in 2023 was 36.14%, consisting of 36.21% physical water loss and 4.88% non-physical water loss. Factors influencing the magnitude of water loss include physical water loss due to distribution network leaks and non-physical water loss, including unauthorized/illegal connections (2.4%) and data handling errors (2.45%). The conclusion drawn is that the factors causing non-physical water loss are due to illegal connections, meter reading errors, and data handling errors.
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