Establishment of a Limited Liability Company after the Effectiveness of Law Number 6 of 2023
Limited Liability Company, Job Creation, IndividualAbstract
This study aims to analyze whether there is dualism in the establishment of a limited liability company after the enactment of Law Number 6 of 2023, to analyze the application of GCG principles to individual PTs, and to analyze the responsibilities of individual PTs and this type of research is a type of normative legal research while the research approach taken is the Statutory Approach and the Conceptual Approach. The results of the study show that the emergence and validity of the UUCK does not result in legal dualism between the UUCK and the UUPT, this is because the Job Creation Law only expands, changes and adds several articles that were previously not regulated by the Limited Liability Company Law, then the governance of individual companies, has regulations to require directors to carry out governance of individual companies in the form of an obligation to make and report financial reports to the relevant minister which is used as a database of individual company profiles and the basis for consideration in determining the criteria for individual companies and the principles of separate entity, limited liability, piercing the corporate veil (limited liability) still apply to limited companies which are individual companies.
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