Overview of Higher Education in the 21st Century


  • Suman Kumar Asst. Prof. Department of Sociology, PNG Government Post Graduate College, Ramnagar
  • Dr. D.C. Pandey Asst. Prof. Hindi, Government College Thalisain Pauri Garhwal




Education, traditional knowledge, skill


No nation gets world-class topper status in higher education overnight. Investment made in the field of education proves its significance or futility after one and a half to two decades. In the contemporary Indian scenario, higher education is shifting away from quality to being market-oriented. The imprecision which is seen in it results in a shift from the traditional pass to the state-of-the-art. It doesn't seem to fit our needs. The level of human resources that are expected to be created from higher education is completely lacking in practical life in our country. Following the policies of Lord Macaulay Mahaprabhu, our education system is sowing the seeds of inequality instead of social harmony. Ignoring the national needs and requirements, our higher education society cannot be relative without the air planners getting acquainted with the ground reality. Where is the adoption of higher education policies of developed nations in societies without basic infrastructure, leading us blindly, social governments can be established in higher education by connecting modern global ideas with traditional knowledge. In this country full of diversities, it is possible to implement a perspective higher education policy. The need is strong willpower. By keeping higher education away from appeasement and political ambivalence, it can be saved from being frivolous.

Education is the backbone of human civilization. Education is the foundation of civilization and culture. Education is the most effective means of all-round development and transformation of human beings. From ancient times, education in Indian society was broad, knowledge-oriented, well-planned, and well-organized. Through education, our lives are not only refined, refined and refined, pure, intelligent and advanced, but by following the sattvik and moral values-directives of the entire society, human welfare is achieved. Perhaps that is why education is declared as an important parameter of development. Higher education works to strengthen any society and nation within the world. Higher Education Objectives To acquire knowledge or to earn money, in the Indian context, whether higher education is deviating from its original objectives, the seeds of the present form of the Indian education system can be traced in the mirror of the British rule that ruled for almost two hundred years. If it is to be said that the present entire education system is a gift of the British Raj, then there will be no exaggeration. Charles Grant, who is called the father of this education system.01 what they must have imagined in this present distorted form is well known that the British used education in their own interest. They planned to create a new educated class in India who could conduct their colonial rule according to their vision plan. The goal of English education in the early stages was to nurture the roots of the British government while spreading Christianity in India.


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How to Cite

Kumar , S. ., & Pandey, D. . (2022). Overview of Higher Education in the 21st Century . RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 7(9), 25–29. https://doi.org/10.31305/rrijm.2022.v07.i09.005