The Baul Philosophy - In search of self-esteem and self-sufficiency for a society


  • Prativa Pan Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Philosophy, Shishuramdas College, Bhusna, Sarisha, South 24 Parganas, West Bengal-743368



Baul philosophy, self-sufficiency, self-esteem


In the era of Globalization, liberalization and free trade a sense of complementing each other had grown over the last few decades. At the same time, the society had witnessed an erosion of self-sufficiency and self-esteem. The concept of Gandhi and Tagore seemed to fade away slowly. In the background of such gloomy picture, there are few rays of hope. In the present article, we will devote our attention to one of them The Baul philosophy. This philosophy has the elements of liberalism, universalism, particularism, naturalism and mysticism. The Baul philosophy derives its secular fabric from different faiths like Hinduism, Islam, Christanity and Buddhism. Because of this, the Baul philosophy was hailed by Tagore as the syncretistic tradition of Bengal. Thus, here we do research of an indigenous philosophy to regain the self-esteem and self-sufficiency of our own society.


Gandhi asserted that nature produces enough for our wants, and if only everybody took for him/herself and nothing more, there would be no people dying of starvation in this world (Kripalani, 1965: 130)

The real history of our country bears testimony to the devotion for synthesis which has been shared by common people as the innermost truth in their emotional depths. This devotion can be located among the Bauls their syncretistic tradition as a common heritage of both Hindus and Muslims... This confluence is the real reflection of Indian civilization. This inspiration...has been relentlessly at work in the depths of the village milieu of Bengal.

R Tagore, Introduction to Mohammad Mansuruddin Haramani; Lok Sangit Sangraha(Calcutta, University of Calcutta Press, 1942)pp ix-xii.

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Edward C Dimmock. The place of Hidden Moon-Erotic Mysticism in the Vaisnava Sahajiya Cult of Bengal, Chicago, University of Chicago, 1968, pp280f

Shahshibhusan Dasgupta, Obscure Religious Cults, 1969, p160-161.

R. N. Tagore. The religion of Man, p. 110




How to Cite

Pan, P. (2022). The Baul Philosophy - In search of self-esteem and self-sufficiency for a society. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 7(9), 112–114.