Comparative study of Adjustment and related factors between Deprived and Non-Deprived person with reference to socio-economic status
Deprived Person, Non-Deprived Person, Adjustment, ImpactAbstract
Present study was conduct to investigate the difference between deprived and non-deprived person in the context of adjustment. Purposes for the study 200 samples were collected randomly from Mathahi in Madhepura District of Bihar. Out of this sample 100 taken deprived and 100 taken Non-Deprived persons. For measure adjustment level between both groups “Bell’s Adjustment Inventory (BAI) adopted by Mohsin-Shamshad” was used. Result reveals that the deprived group has score higher than non-deprived group. The difference between two groups is not significant. So, it is clear that adjustment score doesn’t have any significant impact on different groups.
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