A Critical Governance Infrastructure Framework at ODL Institutions and Best Practices for its Protection during and beyond New Normal
Governance, Open and distance learning, Critical governance infrastructure, New normal, Pandemic, Cyber threatsAbstract
The outbreak of Covid-19 has forced us to extend distance education beyond territorial boundaries, mainly due to limitations caused by pandemic conditions. A critical governance infrastructure (CGI) for open and distance learning (ODL) institutions is presented to manage the "new normal" institutional governance activities quite efficiently and effectively. The CGI is supplemented with control systems to efficiently monitor critical information and control critical parts of institutional centres and associated services. Its vulnerabilities to basic attacks (such as cyber attacks and physical attacks) have been analysed. The emerging new challenges and risks for ODL governance, the cyber security crises, and its protection management are presented. Lastly, best practices for protecting and managing the CGI are recommended so as to achieve a safe, robust, and resilient CGI for the ODL institutions. It is inferred that the incorporation of such a CGI into the institutional education system would play a prominent role in establishing an uninterrupted and efficient governance system that is necessary for the sustainable development and growth of the ODL institution concerned during and beyond the "new normal".
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