A micro scale study of Mahananda river bank erosion and temporal Land use land cover scenario with special reference to natural forest in the foothills of Darjeeling Himalaya, West Bengal, India
Fluvial dynamics, Flood, bank failure, Mahananda River, Darjeeling HimalayaAbstract
Bank erosion is an inevitable vestige of past to evident fluvial dynamics in relation to its discharge and velocities and work-load in view of its load washed or unwashed. The central idea is best suited to study the case of River Mahananda alias Mahanadi within the Upper Mahananda River basin area having similar kind of attestation of facts. The present study needed extraction of satellite imageries of Landsat from USGS sites associated with its processing and ultimately to frame out the temporal scenes through NDVI technique to visualize if the forest cover is at all influenced by bank erosion or not or for specific scales whatever is the reality. The inference registered heavy scouring along the hugging banks with temporal avulsions and bed aggradation. The rates of change of foothill forest areas and variation of cultivable areas for a period of 30 years initiating from 1990 is addressed to study here.
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