Diaspora and Nostalgia: A Study of Bharati Mukherjee


  • Dr. Nancy Assistant Professor, School of Humanities and Physical Education, CT University, Ludhiana
  • Suman Rani Ph.D Scholar, School of Humanities and Physical Education, CT University, Ludhiana




Nostalgia, Memory, Diaspora, Culture, Time, Experience, Migration


Diaspora is defined as the dispersal of any people from their traditional native land. Diaspora can be expressed as an umbrella term that includes a variety of connotations such as migration, expatriation, banishment, and exile. Diasporic themes are reflected in the works of many famous writers such as nostalgia, identity crisis, culture- clash, transnationalism, hybridity, third space, assimilation, alienation, and conflicting attitude to home and host. Nostalgia is a sentimental memory of a former place, culture, time, or recall of experiences. It is desire to return or persistent thinking of a former home, time, family, and friends in one’s life. The objective of this paper is to highlight diasporic consciousness in Bharati Mukherjee’s novels.


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How to Cite

Nancy, & Rani, S. (2024). Diaspora and Nostalgia: A Study of Bharati Mukherjee. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 9(10), 194–197. https://doi.org/10.31305/rrijm.2024.v09.n10.022